This is my interpretation of the Ramban and the Meshech Chachma and a few Rashis along the way.
We all know why Korach rebelled. Some of the reasons include: 1) The need for a tallit made of techelet to require an additional string of techelet on every corner. 2) The requirement for a room full of sifrei torah to have a mezuzah. 3) Moshe giving all of the high positions to people in his family, like Aharon as Kohen Gadol and Nachson Ben Aminadav (Aharon's brother in law) becoming the Nasi of Yehuda. Korach was jealous of the leaders because he truly believed that he should be the ruler, therefore, he rebelled.
We all know why Datan and Aviram rebelled. They just hated Moshe, ever since Moshe saved Datan's life from the Mitzri (famous story where Moshe kills the Mitzri, yes it was Datan who he saved...) Datan and Aviram had it out for Moshe.
We know basically nothing about On ben Pelet except that his righteous wife saved his life and that he was influenced by his neighbors to rebel.
The 250 men who rebelled did it because they believed that any Jew should be able to bring Korbonot.
The Ramban explains the difference between Korach, Datan, Aviram, and On and the 250 people. The rebellion of the 250 people had some amount of religious backing, Korach, Datan, Aviram and On just rebelled for their own purposes.
The Meshech Chachma explains that Korach's mission in his rebellion was to do the exact opposite of what Moshe says. He explains that when Moshe told Korach to bring up the ketoret with everyone else he did not do it which is why he did not die at that point. It may also be why even though Datan and Aviram were told to come to Moshe they did not listen. But the 250 people by bringing the ketoret and listening to Moshe they actually gave glory to Hashem by making all the Jews know that Moshe and Aharon are the true leaders and that Hashem chose them.
The Ramban, who holds that Korach's rebellion took place directly after the meraglim (as opposed to the Ibn Ezra who says it happened after the Mishkan was inaugurated) says that the reason why Korach rebelled now was because he had lost hope in Moshe. Now that everyone knew (from Eldad's and Maidad's prophechy) that Moshe would not be taking the Jews into the land, and that all of the people who were in the Midbar from the ages of 20-60 would die there he was upset that all the talk about getting land, the whole purpose of their travel, was for nothing. How could Moshe guarantee that the Jews would ever get to Eretz Yisrael? Maybe Hashem will have them travel the desert until they all just die out. For this reason Korach could not stand Moshe anymore and all he wanted to do was destroy Moshe's credibility.
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