The first Rashi in this week's parsha (12:2) says "Rav Shmalia says 'just like the creation of man was after every animal, beast, and bird in the creation of the world, so too the Torah explains it [man], after the laws of animal, beast, and bird.'" (Vayikra Rabbah 14:1)
The Vilna Gaon writes that everything in the world can be found in the Torah. Everything that is in the Torah is hinted to in sefer Bereishit. Everything in sefer Bereishit is hinted to in the six days of creation. Everything in the six days of creation is hinted to in the first day. Everything in the first day is hinted to in the first pasuk. Everything in the first pasuk is hinted to in the first word. Some say that everything in the first word is hinted to in the first letter.
We see from here that if we want to learn about something all we need to do if find the first time it comes up in the Torah and from their we can find out about it. From this we see that since the animals were created first it had to be that when it came to teaching the laws of animals and man that animals had to come first, because that is how the world was created.
If we remember that the world was originally designed from the Torah then we learn that really the Torah designed the world with animals being before man, and having it any other way would literally change the way the world works.
We must see the Torah as not only a blueprint for the way the world works, but also as a blueprint for our very lives. If we do this, and truly apply the Torah to every aspect of our lives it will change the way we see the world, through a Torah lens.
Good Shabbat!
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