Sunday, May 15, 2011

Behar 5771

Just Believe:

The pasukim (25:20-21) in this week's parsha say "And when you say 'what will we eat in the seventh year? We will not sow or gather our crops.' I command my blessing for you in the sixth year, and it will make the crops for three years."

Many people say that they have belief that Hashem controls the world, but how many people truly believe it. While it is true that man must do his hishtadlut he must also learn to balance that with his emunah. If someone truly believed 100% that Hashem controlled everything then they would realize that the effort they put in at work has nothing to do with the amount of money they make.

Imagine that someone came into your office and told you to leave you job for a year and if you did you would still have all the money you needed, would you do it? Most people would laugh at this person in the face and continue working. Hashem is asking so much more.

The average farmer not only got his livelihood from the produce but he also fed his family with the crops that grew there. If you leave the ground for a full years it is very likely that much of the crops with die and not grow back the following year. Not only would they be giving up a year of salary, they would be giving up the food they eat for the year and they would probably have a chance of losing everything they have worked for.

Yet, Hashem promises, if you leave the land alone you will not only not lose out on the crops but you will gain in the long run. Someone who can commit to this has true emunah, willing to give everything up knowing that Hashem always does what is good for him. This is true bitachon!

May we all be zoche to have bitachon that Hashem runs the world!

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