We're All going to Die!:
Late in this week's parsha after the mizvah that non-Leviim must stay away from the ohel moed (17:27-28) the people respond "... Look, we perish, we are lost, we are all lost! Everyone who comes close to the mishkan of Hashem will die. Will we stop perishing?"
Rashi on this pasuk says "We are not able to be cautious in this. We are all allowed to enter the courtyard of the ohel moed, and one who goes in more than his friend and enters into the ohel moed will die."
Let me ask a dumb question. Who says you need to go? If you are afraid of dying then just don't go there! You may be allowed to enter the courtyard but no one is pushing you to the front of the group. If you are so afraid then just stay far away, seems easy enough.
If we look earlier in this week's parsha we see that the complaint was (26:3) "All of the assembly is holy and Hashem is with them..." From here we see that a complaint of the Jews was that they could not get as close as Moshe and Aharon could to Hashem. The entire nation wanted to be as close to Hashem as possible.
All the people want to do is get close to Hashem! The cannot go even one moment with feeling closeness to Hashem. In fact, that one of the reasons given why the nation built the eigel hazahav, since they lost Moshe they needed something else to bring to close to Hashem and they could not wait even one moment.
Every morning the Jews would wake up and run to the courtyard of the ohel moed to hear Torah from Moshe's mouth. It was not good enough to just be in the crowd, they had to be front and center to hear every last word perfectly.
This is why they were so afraid. It is true, they could just stay home and not worry about dying but how could they stay away? They could not possibly keep away their desire for Torah was too strong, and this is their reason for their fear of death.
May we all desire Torah so much that we are willing to do anything for it.
Have a great Shabbat!