Friday, June 17, 2011

Shelach 5771

Lack of Faith:
The pasukim in this week's parsha (14:22-23) "If all the people that saw My honor and My signs that I did in mitzriam and in the midbar, and they tested Me these ten times and did not listen to My voice... if they will see the land...! and all who anger Me will not see it."

Why must the people be introduced as the people who saw the signs and miracles? Why is pasuk 22 necessary? Just say "the people who sinned by the meraglim can't go to the land.

Chazal tell us that even the maidservants who left mitzriam saw the shechina like Yichezkel did. This shows that their level of spirituality was higher than any other generation. Chazal also tell us that the punishment of the tzaddikim will be stricter than other people, because they are expected to be on a higher level than other people.

The reason why the sin of the meraglim was so bad was only because it was on the generation that had seen "My honor and My signs that I did in mitzriam and in the midbar," if not for this then Hashem would not have expected anything better from them. After seeing all of the miracles that He has performed until now how could they have the audacity to say that they had no way of conquering the land? This is why they were punished.

As Rashi says, (13:2) "Moshe went to the Shechina, It said 'I said to them that it will be good... now I should allow them to mess it up by sending meraglim?'" It was the fact that they had heard from Hashem Himself about the greatness of the land that made their request for meraglim so bad.

In any other time it would be expected to send spies to the land, but this time they were already told that it was going to work out, their lack of faith was the issue.

May we be zoche to have enough faith to pass all of our challenges!

Have a great Shabbat!

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