The pasuk says (30: 46) "And you should know that I am Hashem your God Who took you out of mitzriam to dwell with you, I am Hashem your God." The pasuk is telling us the Hashem only took us out of mitzriam in order so that He can dwell with us. We have said before that really the purpose in creation is so that Hashem can dwell in this world.
The whole purpose of building the Mishkan was so that Hashem would have a permanent place in this world where He can live. Everything in this world is just to work to that purpose. But Hashem, cannot dwell here if we are not worthy.
So this point in the story the Jews had been taken out of Mitzriam, they had traveled through the midbar, they had fought Amalek, they had gotten the torah on Har Sinai, and now they are on the highest level that humans can reach. The midrash actually says that an angel went down and placed two crowns on each Jews head. The Jews had finally reached the point that Hashem had been waiting for since Adam and Chava ate from the pri eitz hadat tov v'rah.
Moshe was told exact instructions on how to build the Mishkan so that it would be the resting place for Hashem. After every last detail was explained, everything seems perfect.
Then, when the purpose of this world is about to be achieved the Jews sin with the eigel hazahav. With this one mistake everything that they had been working so hard for was ruined.
Now, even if they follow the exact specifications that Moshe got from the mountain the ultimate purpose would not be a reached. In fact, one of very few difference between the parshiot Terumah and Titzaveh in comparison to Vayakel and Pekudei is this pasuk.
At the very end of parshat Pekudei after the Mishkan was complete to the exact specifications that Moshe had said the pasuk (40:34) says "And the cloud covered the tent..." Covered?! that is not what was supposed to happen. Hashem was supposed to dwell in the tent. But since bnei yisrael sinned in the midbar everything was lost.
It has been our job since then to get back to that level that the Jews were on at the giving of the Torah. When that happens Hashem will finally be able to dwell with us, may it happen quickly in our days.
Have a good Shabbat!
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