Friday, February 25, 2011

Vayakel 5771

The Power of Shabbat:
After Adam sinned he had the chance to do teshuva but he didn't do it. Then after Kian killed Hevel he repented and was forgiven. That first shabbat after these event happened Adam met up with Kian, not that there were too many other people to talk to, and they spoke about what happened the day before. Kian told Adam that since he had repented Hashem forgave Kian for his sin. When Adam heard this he suddenly broke out into song. This song is Mizmor Shir Liyom Hashabbat, because Adam was praising that shabbat had the power of teshuva.

We all know the famous chazal that if the Jews kept two Shabbatot in a row that Mashiach would come right away, but what exactly does this mean?

In parshat Terumah the Torah first spoke about the Mishkan then shabbat but in Vayakel it first speaks about shabbat then the Mishkan. If we consider what we have been talking about for the past few weeks this placement makes plenty of sense.

In Terumah, where we were on such a high level that we could have brought down the mishkan from heaven, we did not need a shabbat to be able to bring Mashiach, we were already ready for it. But now, after the sin of the eigel we had much to atone for, so we needed, and still need the teshuva of shabbat to be able to get back to the level of that we need to to be able to bring Mashiach.

Now the chazal finally makes sense. The reason why we need to keep two shabbatot in a row is for the first one to rid us of our sins and for the second one to complete what the Jews in the midbar never did, have a shabbat right after the building of the mishkan. Only after we repent for our sins and we are forgiven by Hashem can we finally bring Mashiach!

Have a good shabbat!

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