Friday, July 8, 2011

Balak 5771

The One in Control:
Before Bilam gives his first bracha to the Jews he said (23:8) "How can I curse? God did not curse! And how can I anger? Hashem is not angry!" Rashi here says "I don't have the ability all I know is the time when Hashem gets angry, but He didn't get angry all of the days that I came to you..."

This shows us that at any given moment Hashem is the One in charge. Anything that happens to us can only happen if He allows it to happen.

Every day, twice a day (sometimes more), we all say "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad" (Hear Yisrael, Hashem is God Hashem is One). Rav Chiam Volozhin in Nefesh HaChiam explains that Hashem Echad means that Hashem is the only force in this world. If this is true and we truly believe this then when anything happens to us, good or bad, the first thing we must do is turn to Hashem and beseech Him, for everything comes from Him.

At every event throughout our history our enemies could not harm us until we ourselves deserved the punishment, otherwise Hashem would never have allowed them to touch us.

We see here that as long as the Jews as a whole follow what we should be doing then nothing can touch us, but the moment we leave Hashem's will we have no chance against our enemies.

Have a good Shabbat!

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